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Daftar Nama Nama Tools
| Hex Code Guide By Drakaer.doc
| navicat8_lite_en.exe
+---#1 Ronny1982 tools
| | sELedit v1.1d.zip
| | sGSHOPedit v1.1a.zip
| | sMODfix v1.0b.zip
| | sNPCedit v0.9c.zip
| | sPATCH v0.9b.doc
| | sPatch v0.9b.zip
| | sTASKedit v0.8.zip
| |
| +---pwAdmin
| | | apache-tomcat-5.5.28.zip
| | | jre1.5.0_21.zip
| | | pwAdmin v1.0a.zip
| | |
| | +---addons
| | | LiveChat.zip
| | |
| | \---romulans addons
| | romulan_addons.zip
| | who_is_online.zip
| |
| \---sMAPtool
| sMAPedit v0.7c (Base with Maps).zip
| sMAPtool v0.7f (without Map Pack).zip
| | auto-clicker.exe
| | auto-clicker_README.txt
| | elementclient.exe
| | EL_version_changer.exe
| | Kuqoi ModelView.exe
| | Kuqoi ModelView_README.txt
| | pwpack2007.exe
| | pwpack2008.exe
| |
| +---BATGM
| | batgm.exe
| | libmySQL50.dll
| | libmysqld50.dll
| | ntwdblib.dll
| |
| +---BON editor
| | | Kuqoi Bon Editor 1.4beta1.exe
| | | Kuqoi Bon1.3.exe
| | | readme.txt
| | |
| | \---kuqoi
| | Kuqoi.dll
| | Language.ini
| |
| +---EL editor
| | | EL150CN.exe
| | | ElementsME.exe
| | | thevisad_client_elements.data
| | | thevisad_server_elements.data
| | | v1.5.1.exe
| | |
| | +---elemgenv6
| | | config.cfg
| | | elemgenv6.jar
| | | listCfg_10301-MYEN-cli-v.13.dat
| | | listCfg_10301-MYEN-cli-v.14.dat
| | | listCfg_10301-MYEN-cli-v.3.dat
| | | listCfg_10301-MYEN-cli-v.6.dat
| | | listCfg_10301-MYEN-srv-v.2.dat
| | | listCfg_10306-MYCH-cli-v.0.dat
| | | listCfg_10306-MYCH-srv-v.1.dat
| | | listCfg_10306-MYCN-cli-v.0.dat
| | | listCfg_10306-MYEN-cli-v.0.dat
| | | listCfg_10306-MYKR-cli-v.0.dat
| | | listCfg_10308-MYEN-cli-v.16.dat
| | | listCfg_10309-MYCH-cli-v.135.dat
| | | listCfg_10309-MYCH-cli-v.136.dat
| | | listCfg_10309-MYEN-cli-v.136.dat
| | | listCfg_10309-MYKR-cli-v.2265.dat
| | | listCfg_10401-MYCH-cli-v.314.dat
| | | listCfg_10401-MYEN-cli-v.314.dat
| | | listCfg_10401-MYEN-cli-v.366.dat
| | | listCfg_10401-MYEN-cli-v.66.dat
| | | listCfg_10401-MYEN-srv-v.366.dat
| | | listCfg_10409-MYCH-cli-v..dat
| | | listCfg_10409-MYCH-cli-v.0.dat
| | | listCfg_10409-MYCH-cli-v.1.dat
| | | start.bat
| | |
| | \---sELedit
| | config_1.3.1@1.4.1_v13_HNG_Client.cfg
| | config_1.3.1@1.4.1_v13_HNG_Server.cfg
| | config_1.3.6@1.4.2_v101_CN_Client.cfg
| | config_1.3.6_v101_CN_Client.cfg
| | config_1.3.6_v101_CN_Server.cfg
| | config_1.4.2_v273_PWI_Client.cfg
| | rules_1.4.2_v273_PWI_Client - 1.3.6_v101_CN_Client.rules
| | rules_1.4.2_v273_PWI_Client - 1.3.6_v101_CN_Server.rules
| | sELedit.exe
| | sELedit.txt
| |
| +---GSHOP Editor
| | gshop.data
| | gShopEdit2.exe
| | gShopEdit2_README.txt
| | gshopgenv4.jar
| | gsme.exe
| | start.bat
| |
| +---NPCGEN Editor
| | elements.data
| | NpcGen v1.4_en.exe
| | npcgen.data
| |
| +---PckCompare
| | PCKcompare.exe
| | PCKcompare.ini
| | PCKcompare.log
| | Start.bat
| |
| +---Romulan Tool Pack v2 (old)
| | +---batGM0.8 by adslpredator
| | | batGM.exe
| | | libmySQL50.dll
| | | libmysqld50.dll
| | | ntwdblib.dll
| | | README.txt
| | |
| | +---chinese gshop editor
| | | config.ini
| | | gshop.gif
| | | gshopEditor.exe
| | | README.txt
| | | ¡+ݤ+e¡+-O++-++tgshopÝa+Ý~[-O+ÝÝæ].txt
| | |
| | +---chinese npcgen editor
| | | libjcc.dll
| | | libjsybheap.dll
| | | LOOKME.gif
| | | npcgen.data
| | | NpcGen_edit.exe
| | | npcgen_edit.pbd
| | | pbdwe90.dll
| | | pbmss90.dll
| | | pbvm90.dll
| | | Scs.dll
| | |
| | +---element tool6.2 by Tekk
| | | config.cfg
| | | elemgenv6.jar
| | | LAUNCHER.bat
| | | listCfg_10301-MYEN-cli-v.13.dat
| | | listCfg_10301-MYEN-cli-v.14.dat
| | | listCfg_10301-MYEN-cli-v.6.dat
| | | listCfg_10301-MYEN-srv-v.2.dat
| | | listCfg_10306-MYCH-srv-v.1.dat
| | | listCfg_10308-MYEN-cli-v.16.dat
| | | listCfg_10309-MYCH-cli-v.135.dat
| | | listCfg_10309-MYCH-cli-v.136.dat
| | | listCfg_10409-MYCH-cli-v.0.dat
| | | README!.txt
| | |
| | +---gshop editor4.0 by Tekk
| | | gshopgenv4.jar
| | | LAUNCHER.bat
| | | README.txt
| | |
| | \---PW Packager
| | pwpack.exe
| | README.txt
| | REPACK.bat
| | UNPACK.bat
| |
| +---SEV&CLT Tools
| | clt2sev.exe
| | PathViewer.exe
| | Precinct.exe
| | Region.exe
| | sev2clt.exe
| | WorldTargets.exe
| |
| +---TASKS Editor
| | sTASKedit.exe
| | Tasks Editor Pro.exe
| | tasks.data
| | TasksME.exe
| |
| \---XML Tools
| elements.data
| PWGen1.exe
| xml_editor_eng.exe
+---#3 Ronny1982 tools archive
| | sELedit v1.1b.zip
| | sGSHOPedit v1.1a.zip
| | sMODfix v1.0b.zip
| | sNPCedit v0.9b.zip
| | sTASKedit v0.7c.zip
| |
| +---DATs for TEKKS element editor
| | listCfg_10401-MYEN-cli-v.366.dat
| | listCfg_10401-MYEN-srv-v.366.dat
| | readme.txt
| |
| +---PW map tools
| | | sMAPconvert.zip
| | | sMAPexplorer.zip
| | | sMAPfix.zip
| | |
| | \---sMAPtool -- package editor
| | OLDsMAPedit.zip
| | sMAPedit v0.7c (Base with Maps).zip
| | sMAPtool v0.7d (without Map Pack).zip
| |
| +---pwAdmin
| | | apache-tomcat-5.5.28.zip
| | | jre1.5.0_21.zip
| | | ORGpwAdmin.tar.gz
| | | pwAdmin v1.0.zip
| | |
| | +---addons
| | | LiveChat.zip
| | |
| | \---romulans addons
| | Addons.zip
| | PHP_Scripts.zip
| | README PLZ!.txt
| |
| \---sPatch
| Install.doc
| sPatch v0.9b.zip
+---343 pwAdmin 1.0a repack
| pwAdmin.rar
| batGM.exe
| batgm.ini
| libmySQL50.dll
| libmysqld50.dll
| ntwdblib.dll
+---DDS tools
| DDS_viewer.exe
| nvdxt_tools.txt
| nvdxt_tools.zip
| NVIDIA_Texture_Tools_2.07.1117.2205.exe
| NVIDIA_Texture_Tools_x64_2.07.1117.2205.exe
| Photoshop_Plugins_7.83.0629.1500.exe
| Photoshop_Plugins_8.23.1101.1715.exe
| WTV_0_86b.zip
| | ElementsME.exe
| | taskname.exe
| |
| +---Elements Editor 1.9
| | elements_editor190.exe
| |
| +---GM Program
| | batgm.exe
| | batgm.ini
| | libmySQL50.dll
| | libmysqld50.dll
| | ntwdblib.dll
| | README!.txt
| |
| +---GShop Editor 1
| | gshopgenv4.jar
| | LAUNCHER.bat
| |
| +---GShop Editor 2
| | gShopEdit2.exe
| |
| +---GShop Editor&Tools
| | gshopEditor.exe
| | gshopTools.exe
| | RegInfo.txt
| |
| +---NPCGen Editor
| | libjcc.dll
| | libjsybheap.dll
| | NpcGen_edit.exe
| | npcgen_edit.pbd
| | pbdwe90.dll
| | pbmss90.dll
| | pbvm90.dll
| | Scs.dll
| |
| +---npcgen_eng
| | NpcGen v1.4_en.exe
| |
| +---PW Pack&Unpacker
| | elementskill.dll
| | ftdriver.dll
| | ifc22.dll
| | immwrapper.dll
| | libjcc.dll
| | libjsybheap.dll
| | pbdwe90.dll
| | pbmss90.dll
| | pbvm90.dll
| | pwpack.exe
| | README.txt
| | REPACK.bat
| | Scs.dll
| | speedtreert.dll
| | unicows.dll
| | UNPACK.bat
| | zlibwapi.dll
| |
| +---Tekks Elements Editor
| | | config.cfg
| | | elements.data(Client Side).jpg
| | | elements.data(Server Side).jpg
| | | elemgenv6.jar
| | | LAUNCHER.bat
| | | listCfg_10209-MYCH-srv-v.1.dat
| | | listCfg_10301-MYCH-cli-v.1.dat
| | | listCfg_10301-MYEN-cli-v..dat
| | | listCfg_10301-MYEN-cli-v.1.dat
| | | listCfg_10301-MYEN-cli-v.13.dat
| | | listCfg_10306-MYCH-cli-v.1.dat
| | | listCfg_10306-MYCH-srv-v.1.dat
| | | listCfg_10306-MYEN-cli-v..dat
| | | listCfg_10308-MYEN-cli-v..dat
| | | listCfg_10309-MYEN-cli-v..dat
| | | listCfg_10309-MYEN-cli-v..dat.bak_1248563851281
| | | listCfg_10309-MYEN-cli-v.13.dat
| | | README!.txt
| | |
| | \---elemgenv6.2_22-08-2008
| | help.txt
| | WM_TOOL_BOX.exe
| |
| +---exp
| | 7638.exp
| |
| \---structure
| 0.txt
| 1.txt
| 10.txt
| 100.txt
| 101.txt
| 102.txt
| 103.txt
| 104.txt
| 105.txt
| 106.txt
| 107.txt
| 108.txt
| 109.txt
| 11.txt
| 110.txt
| 111.txt
| 112.txt
| 113.txt
| 114.txt
| 12.txt
| 13.txt
| 14.txt
| 15.txt
| 16.txt
| 17.txt
| 18.txt
| 19.txt
| 2.txt
| 20.txt
| 21.txt
| 22.txt
| 23.txt
| 24.txt
| 25.txt
| 26.txt
| 27.txt
| 28.txt
| 29.txt
| 3.txt
| 30.txt
| 31.txt
| 32.txt
| 33.txt
| 34.txt
| 35.txt
| 36.txt
| 37.txt
| 38.txt
| 38N.txt
| 38NN.txt
| 39.txt
| 4.txt
| 40.txt
| 41.txt
| 42.txt
| 43.txt
| 44.txt
| 45.txt
| 46.txt
| 47.txt
| 48.txt
| 49.txt
| 5.txt
| 50.txt
| 51.txt
| 52.txt
| 52B.txt
| 53.txt
| 54.txt
| 55.txt
| 56.txt
| 57.txt
| 58.txt
| 59.txt
| 6.txt
| 60.txt
| 61.txt
| 62.txt
| 63.txt
| 64.txt
| 65.txt
| 65B.txt
| 66.txt
| 67.txt
| 68.txt
| 69.txt
| 7.txt
| 70.txt
| 71.txt
| 72.txt
| 73.txt
| 74.txt
| 75.txt
| 76.txt
| 77.txt
| 78.txt
| 79.txt
| 8.txt
| 80.txt
| 81.txt
| 82.txt
| 83.txt
| 84.txt
| 85.txt
| 86.txt
| 87.txt
| 88.txt
| 89.txt
| 9.txt
| 90.txt
| 90B.txt
| 91.txt
| 92.txt
| 93.txt
| 94.txt
| 95.txt
| 96.txt
| 97.txt
| 98.txt
| 99.txt
| back.jpg
| EL.ini
| extra.txt
| function.txt
| itempos.txt
| item_ext_desc.txt
| offset.txt
| | EL_version_changer.exe
| | listCfg_10301-MYEN-cli-v.13.dat.zip
| | listCfg_10306-MYCH-srv-v.1.dat.zip
| | MC_PW_GM_Tool.rar
| |
| +---BON-Editor
| | ENG-Kuqoi bon.exe
| | Kuqoi Bon1.3.exe
| | readme.txt
| |
| +---Coords_Tool
| | Coords.bat
| | coords.txt
| |
| +---Elements Converter (MYEN-131)
| | ElementsConverter.jar
| | start.bat
| | struct.data
| |
| +---Elements Editor (1.3.6 - 1.3.x)
| | EL150(eng).gif
| | Ý"+-ELÝO+a,v1.5.0.exe
| |
| +---Elements Editor 1.9 (1.3.6 - 1.3.x)
| | elements_editor190.exe
| |
| +---Elements MasterEditor
| | ElementsME.exe
| |
| +---GShop Editor 2
| | gShopEdit2.exe
| |
| +---NPCGen Editor
| | libjcc.dll
| | libjsybheap.dll
| | LOOKME!.bmp
| | NpcGen_edit.exe
| | npcgen_edit.pbd
| | pbdwe90.dll
| | pbmss90.dll
| | pbvm90.dll
| | Scs.dll
| |
| +---NPCGen Editor NEW
| | NpcGen v1.4_en.exe
| |
| +---PW Pack_2008
| | PCK_Repack.bat
| | PCK_Unpack.bat
| | PWPack.exe
| |
| +---SEV-CLT_Converter
| | clt2sev.exe
| |
| +---SEV-Editors
| | PathViewer.exe
| | Precinct.exe
| | Region.exe
| | WorldTargets.exe
| |
| +---Task-Data_Editor
| | fcb73b761256.jpg
| | ?????.exe
| |
| +---Tekks Elements Editor
| | elemgenv6.jar
| | LAUNCHER.bat
| | listCfg_10301-MYEN-cli-v.0.dat
| | listCfg_10301-MYEN-cli-v.13.dat
| | listCfg_10301-MYEN-cli-v.13.dat.zip
| | listCfg_10301-MYEN-srv-v.0.dat
| | listCfg_10306-MYCH-srv-v.1.dat
| | listCfg_10306-MYCH-srv-v.1.dat.zip
| |
| +---XML-Editor
| | xml_editor_eng.exe
| |
| \---XML-Octec_Generator
| PWGen1.exe
\---Tasks Editor en
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